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artist's book fair
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Moscow International Artists Book Fair

Moscow, Central House of Artist,  Hall # 18, the 2-d floor,

01-05 December, 2010

Curator: Mikhail Pogarsky

Organizers: Design-studio “Triangular Wheel”, “KulTTovary” gallery.

Organizing committee: Mikhail Pogarsky, Eva Novikova, Evelina Schatz.

PR-director: Ekaterina Gogoleva



A phenomenon of Artist’s book exists in Russia more than 25 years. This phenomenon is larger than one of contemporary art genres. Now Artist’s book plays the role of inter-genres conductor, it is like Esperanto language for very different artists. There are no anyone art-genres, which is not used in Artist’s book. It uses lithography, serigraph, monotype, xylography, engraving, mail-art, performance, lend-art, media-art and so on.

         Beside them, Artist’s book is the bridge from literature to visual and actual art. There is synthetic art work, which appeal to all organs of sense, including senses of smell, touch and taste.

         And in the end, Artist’s book produces the contact between epochs and connects the great culture of Guttenberg book printing with the modern print technology.

         In the last 5 years the artist’s book had big development in Russia. During this time there were 5 Moscow International Artists book Fairs, where more than 300 artists from different countries took part.

Catalogues of fair were sent in the most impotent artist’s book center.

All events, which take place in Artist’s Book Fair, discuss in mass media: news papers, magazines, radio, TV and internet.
Artist’s Book Fair go off together big commercial Book Fair “Non-fiction”.

Last year more than 30 000 visitors were at the fair.



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