Фернанда Феди, Джино Джини
Fernanda Fedi, Gino Gini
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Гуманитарный портал ''Артбург''

Страницы Книги художника
12 +12

2011- год русской культуры и языка в Италии и итальянской культуры и языка в России. Год культурного обмена, который будет включать все виды искусств (театр, музыка, кино, литература...)

В связи с этим событием художники Фернанда Феди и Джино Джини из Милана и Михаил Погарский из Москвы организовали арт-проект в формате «книга художника» с экзистенциальной темой «Жизнь и смерть». В проекте приняли участие 12 итальянских художников и 12 художников из России, каждый из которых по-своему интерпретировал эту тему. Число 12 было выбрано в силу своих многочисленных символических значений. Каждый художник создал 2 страницы книги в заданном кураторами размере, на базе которых  и планируется организовать выставки в Италии и России одновременно.
Жизнь и смерть

Жуткий дуализм.

Неизбежный и объединяющий всех.

Писатели, поэты, музыканты, философы неоднократно сами себе задавали этот вопрос о тайне жизни и смерти и пытались разрешить его через поэзию, музыку, искусство...

Смерть – это очень древняя реальность, и быть может единственная реальность. Без смерти не было бы жизни, и какой бы смысл имела наша жизнь, будь она бесконечна?

"С тех пор как существует смерть, любые высказывания были против неё. С тех пор как смерть существует любой свет – это роковой огонь, который она зажигает. И если нет смерти, то и красота не красота, и добро не есть добро... "(Элиас Канетти)

"… И эта мысль о смерти, что в конечном итоге помогает нам жить" (Умберто Саба)

«Я горел на вершине пространства и времени, как один из ваших посланников, мечтая о божественной Смерти …» (Унгаретти)

И, конечно же, великий Толстой, который с гневом и скорбью утверждает, что человек умирает в одиночку, но когда приходит смерть наше одиночество - уже часть тайны. Мы умираем в глубокой святости, в мире, где смерть это шок, немота, исчезновение.
На этой выставке художники становятся главными героями, которые дают свою личную интерпретацию жизни и смерти. Страницы книги, созданные итальянскими и русскими художниками, могут рассматриваться как некий «свод» всех художественных направлений XXI века от фотографии к концептуальному искусству, к визуальной поэзии, к символизму ...

Все художники сделали книги высочайшего качества, пытаясь разрешить один из вечных вопросов.

Жизнь не имеет смысла без "глубинного дыхания" искусства и творчества.
                                                                         Фернанда Феди и Джино Джини




Pages of Artist Books




2011 is the year of  the Russian culture and language in Italy and of the Italian culture and language in  Russia. A  cultural exchange which will involve all arts (theatre, music, cinema, literature..)

For this important event the artists Fernanda Fedi and Gino Gini from Milan and Mikhail Pogarsky from Moscow have conceived  the artistical  project ‘Pages of Books’ pushed by a strong idea, by an existential thought ‘Life and Death’. It will see the participation of 12 Italian artists and 12 Russian artists who will interpret this subject. Number 12 has been chosen because it has many symbolic meanings. Each artist has realized 2 pages of books  in  same size  in order to be able to organize exhibitions in Italy and in Russia simultaneously.


Life and Death

Terrible Dualism.

Inevitable and uniting for everybody.

Writers, poets, musicians,philosophers..and other people  ..have asked themselves about this question on the mystery o life and death through poems, music..

The death is the more ancient reality, may be the only reality. Without death there will be no life and which sense would have our life without its end?

As long as life exists, everything that has been expressed is against it. As long as death exists each light is a fatuous fire, because it brings to it. As long as life exists the beautiful is not beautiful, the good is not good..’(Elias Canetti)

‘..it’s the thought of death that helps people to live’ (Umberto Saba)

‘I burn on the hill  space and time, as one of  your messengers, dreaming, divine Death..’(Ungaretti)

And of course it’s the great Tolstoj who affirms with anger and grief that man dies alone, when death arrives our solitude is already a part of a mystery. We die in a despairing holiness, in a world where to die is a shock, to keep dumb and invisible.


Now   for this exhibition  the visual artists are the protagonists who will give a personal interpretation about this subject. The pages of books created by these Italian and Russian artists my be considered as  a ‘regest’, a testimony of all artistical addresses of XXI century from photography, to ‘citazionism’, to conceptual art, to visual poetry, to symbolism..

Books of a high quality, where all artist have been engaged to face this eternal question.

Life would have no sense without ‘the deep breath’ of art and creativity


                                                                         Fernanda Fedi and Gino Gini



Italia – Russia

Pagine di Libro d’artista

12 + 12

Il 2011 è l’anno  dedicato alla cultura e alla lingua russa in Italia e alla cultura e lingua italiana in Russia. Un interscambio culturale che coinvolgerà tutte le arti (teatro, cinema, letteratura,musica..)

In occasione di questo importante evento gli artisti Fernanda Fedi e Gino Gini di Milano e Mikhail Pogarsky di Mosca hanno ideato  il  progetto artistico’Pagine di Libro’ spinti da un’idea forte, da un pensiero esistenziale ‘Vita e Morte’. Esso prevede la partecipazione di 12 artisti italiani e 12 artisti russi che si confronteranno sull’interpretazione di questo tema. Il numero 12 non è un numero scelto a caso, ma pregnante di simbologie e significati.Ogni artista ha realizzato due pagine di libro del medesimo formato in modo da poter organizzare  rassegne in Italia e Russia nello stesso periodo.


Vita e Morte

Terribile dualismo.

Inevitabile ed unificante per tutti.

Scrittori,poeti, musicisti, filosofi..e non solo..si sono interrogati sul mistero della vita e della morte.

La morte è la più antica realtà, forse l’unica realtà. Senza morte non ci sarebbe la vita

E la vita che senso avrebbe se non avesse una fine?

‘Fintanto che esiste la morte, tutto ciò che viene detto è contro di lei. Fintanto che esiste la morte ogni luce è un fuoco fatuo poichè  porta ad essa. Fintanto che esiste la morte, il bello non è bello, il buono non è buono..’(Elias Canetti)

‘..ed è il pensiero della morte che, infine, aiuta a vivere’ (Umberto Saba)

‘..brucio sul colle  spazio e tempo, come un tuo messaggero, con il sogno, divina morte..’(Ungaretti)

E naturalmente è il grande Tolstoj che afferma con dolore e con rabbia che si muore soli, ma quando la morte arriva la nostra solitudine è già parte di un mistero. Si muore in una disperata solitudine, in un mondo in cui morire è uno scandalo, da tenere muto e invisibile.


In questa rassegna sono gli artisti visuali  che esprimono una loro interpretazione personale su questo soggetto. Le pagine di libro realizzate sono un ‘regesto’ di tutte le correnti artistiche del XXI secolo, dalla fotografia, al citazionismo, al concettualismo, alla poesia visiva,al simbolismo…Libri-opera che testimoniano l’alta qualità ed impegno che gli artisti hanno profuso in questa occasione .La vita non avrebbe senso senza ‘il profondo respiro’ dell’arte e della creatività.

                                                                                     Fernanda Fedi e Gino Gini



Pages of Artist Books




2011 is the year of  the Russian culture and language in Italy and of the Italian culture and language in  Russia. A  cultural exchange which will involve all arts (theatre, music, cinema, literature..)

For this important event the artists Fernanda Fedi and Gino Gini from Milan and Mikhail Pogarsky from Moscow have conceived  the artistical  project ‘Pages of Books’ pushed by a strong idea, by an existential thought ‘Life and Death’. It will see the participation of 12 Italian artists and 12 Russian artists who will interpret this subject. Number 12 has been chosen because it has many symbolic meanings. Each artist has realized 2 pages of books  in  same size  in order to be able to organize exhibitions in Italy and in Russia simultaneously.


Life and Death

Terrible Dualism.

Inevitable and uniting for everybody.

Writers, poets, musicians,philosophers..and other people  ..have asked themselves about this question on the mystery o life and death through poems, music..

The death is the more ancient reality, may be the only reality. Without death there will be no life and which sense would have our life without its end?

As long as life exists, everything that has been expressed is against it. As long as death exists each light is a fatuous fire, because it brings to it. As long as life exists the beautiful is not beautiful, the good is not good..’(Elias Canetti)

‘..it’s the thought of death that helps people to live’ (Umberto Saba)

‘I burn on the hill  space and time, as one of  your messengers, dreaming, divine Death..’(Ungaretti)

And of course it’s the great Tolstoj who affirms with anger and grief that man dies alone, when death arrives our solitude is already a part of a mystery. We die in a despairing holiness, in a world where to die is a shock, to keep dumb and invisible.


Now   for this exhibition  the visual artists are the protagonists who will give a personal interpretation about this subject. The pages of books created by these Italian and Russian artists my be considered as  a ‘regest’, a testimony of all artistical addresses of XXI century from photography, to ‘citazionism’, to conceptual art, to visual poetry, to symbolism..

Books of a high quality, where all artist have been engaged to face this eternal question.

Life would have no sense without ‘the deep breath’ of art and creativity


                                                                         Fernanda Fedi and Gino Gini


      На ''Яндекс'' Яндекс цитирования Рейтинг@Mail.ru Каталог "ПИНГВИН" - чуткий и душевный каталог!

© М. Погарский, 2003© "Северная звезда", 2003    © "CONTROL+A", 2003Programed by Foreman Electronics, 2003
